Soccer club
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Project Location: Western Australia
Project Description:
you will find the details about the Soccer club if you search Subiaco AFC which is situated in Subiaco City in Western Australia. client’s goal was to design a two-story soccer club which will include- on the bottom floor there will need to be 12 unisex change rooms, a kitchen/canteen, a referees room, a medical room, and provision for an elevator to provide wheelchair access to the second story. On the second story will be the social area, meeting room, office, and male and female toilets.
there was an existing building for Sabico AFC and the Site condition – there is a playing field to the east of the clubrooms that is elevated and not visible from the existing clubrooms but may be visible from a second story, there are also playing fields to the south of the clubrooms, including the show pitch where premier matches are played. The tennis courts to the north of the clubrooms have a separate clubhouse but the visibility of these courts to some degree is desirable.
the client shared a floorplan of the existing site and instructed us which existing building will be demolished and where the two-story building will be constructed. The unshaded structure in the northwest corner is a mechanical workshop and is not available for refurbishment.
The changerooms will need to each have their own unisex amenities module and be useable for 22 adults. the client preferred a slab-style roof, a lot of glass in the upper story, and an outdoor balcony area on the upper story. He liked that the building would be a conservative building that is energy efficient and sympathetic to the natural environment.